Our advantage

The companies shown below charge an average of $3,143 for 10,000 leads. They also charge on a subscription basis, so you pay regardless of whether you use your monthly or annual quota.

We operate on a flexible pay-as-you-go basis, so there is no need to worry about quotas or monthly commitments. At a rate of just $500 for 10,000 leads, you will achieve a substantially higher ROI.

Our database may be smaller than those of our competitors, but that is because we focus on prospects who can greenlight major purchases, both as consumers and as business leaders. The profiles are presented upfront on our search page, eliminating the need for time-consuming trials and consultation calls.

Sales intelligence companies use algorithms. What that actually means in practice can be unimpressive. Many simply scrape over-exploited directories and company websites. Others use simplistic variations of the formula shown below, validating the output with unreliable SMTP protocols.

email = first_name + '.' + last_name + '@' + url

Our approach is fundamentally different and infinitely more powerful. For one thing, our database consists exclusively of direct contacts. Stop worrying about corporate gatekeepers and appeal directly to decision makers. Finally, our search functionality allows you to precision-focus on the best prospects before ultimately closing them.